Dual Beam Pro
The Dual Beam Pro is our most popular antenna with over 200 sold to 20 countries. These are some of the comments we have received.

"Hi Tony , just let you know I’m enjoying the Dual Beam Pro and it is great in comparison to the cobweb.
Well the bands are not great but I managed to do some good qso in digital and ssb. Great work keep doing it."
Marco - 2E0BJL - Epsom, UK

”I got the antenna up before Christmas and fed with good coax , I am having great results , really super antenna , most success I have had in years. Working stations I can barely hear on my vertical and busting pile ups all with 100w"
John - EI4L - Dublin, Ireland
”Well what can I say. Having moved house and being restricted with what antennas I could put up at the new location, I had to make a decision on what to try for HF. An end fed wire failed and then I looked at your product, the Ultrabeam was just out of my price range. I read the reviews from PW and RadCom on your page and thought well if it gets me on the air working Europe and the USA I will be happy through the winter. When it arrived I swapped out my 6/4m dual band antenna and put the Dual Beam Pro up in it's place. It has been up a week and WOW am I impressed.
Currently (13/09/2021 @ 12:15 UTC) I am working a string of JA stations on FT8 using just 100W from my Icom7300. Over the past few days I have worked from one side of the world to the other, mostly FT8 and no robot mode as I like to monitor what I am working. On 30M I have 2 new DXCC's which I had not heard previously, and 40M has also thrown up some interesting contacts. The only bands I haven't tried are 12 and 10M, simply because they have not had any signals on them when tuning through.
A fantastic product at a reasonable price, and with the manual ATU it works superbly. My recommendation is a massive stamp of approval."
Chris - G1VDP - Nuneaton UK
”The DBP is an antenna that has fulfilled my demand for a multi-band HF dipole in a limited space with a weak antenna base."
CQ Ham Radio, Japan December 2019
Click image to download full review
”Just a quick update regarding the performance of my newly installed Dual Beam Pro. First chance to use it today and very encouraged with the results so far. I had QSO's into: USA - West coast mainly. FLORIDA, MALTA, BELARUS, BELGIUM, POLAND, BOSNIA and UK stations including Scotland/Orkneys which should not be working so well given the direction it is fitted.
That was in about 2 hours before the band(s) went dead. Mostly on 20 Mtrs but 40 Mtrs also. All good radio reports of 57-59 This is using a fixed direction of North-South no Rotator yet! Location is on the side of the Gable end about 35ft up as you can see from the photo. Some QSO's were compared at the time to my Long Wire and G-Whip antennas and on almost all occasions the signal was stronger on the Dual Beam Pro with less noise - such a blessing.
I installed with 30 Mtrs of 213 and decent quality 259's as you suggested and I am well pleased. Early days yet but very happy so far. Great product and a lot of friends who have used one, or know someone who has been saying how good they are.”
Reg - M3LDS - Somerset, UK

"I purchased a Dual Beam Pro antenna from Pro Antennas in November as I had sold my original one a few years ago. I needed it by the weekend and the owner said he would deliver it for me as he is about 50 miles from me. The antenna performs great and the after sales service is second to none. I have contacted Tony on several occasions and he is always really helpful with tech info."
Paul - M6CCP - Shoreham-on-sea, UK
"You guys are great! I really appreciate your antennas and products. I tell people all the time about the Dual Beam Pro. It is perfect for my suburban home. The first time I had it up, it was only a meter off the ground and I made probably 100 contacts into Europe within a few hours. This was a stationary position also.
Anyways, enough blabbing! Thank you and Carl for being around. This antenna is priceless to me."
Bob - W8PRO - Michigan, USA

"I bought a Dual Beam Pro last week and installed it last night in my garden on a telescopic mast.
Just wanted to say how happy I am with it, I was using an HF vertical before buying your antenna and WOW what a difference. I live in Bristol, last night Canada, Puerto Rico and Indonesia coming through on 20 meters. The HF vertical couldn't hear any of them at all.
Very impressive antenna, I am in a small garden and my neighbours are problematic so a full sized beam on a lattice mast isn’t possible, but this antenna has really opened the bands up for me."
Ross - 2E0UGE - Bristol, UK
"Just to let you know that the Dual Beam Pro arrived safe and sound and it is now assembled and on the roof, beaming west to east.
The instructions booklet was easy to understand and had it assembled in just over an hour (with tea breaks). The performance is excellent, much reduced noise levels, distant stations in Asia, South and North America came in loud and clear and although only a foundation level operator – now studying for my intermediate level – I did manage to work Bulgaria, Cyprus both 4/6; which I think for 10 watts is quite good.
Well recommended, I have even got the Chairman to think about buying one for the club."
David - M6IYH - Hartlepool, UK
"I bought this antenna, because it fits exactly on my balcony. The parts fit perfect and it was easy to assemble the few parts. It is very light and I use it with an eight meter mast and it works really great. You can find pictures on
With my old Icom IC-735 with just 100 watts I had already SSB QSO's with 59 from Austria to the USA. I think the performance of the Dual Beam Pro is worth the money."
Ernst - OE1ENS - Wien, Austria

"Today I’ve spoken to just about every state here in Australia as well as New Zealand, Germany and Bulgaria - all on the Dual Beam Pro !
I’m really pleased and very impressed with the performance of this antenna – I can all of a sudden hear stations that I could never hear before and they can also hear me loud and clear !
Thanks for designing and bringing to market such a great antenna.
Thanks also for always taking the time to reply to my questions – I really appreciate it."
Paul - VK3MVS - Melbourne, Australia
"Just letting you know about my experience so far with the Dual Beam Pro
The receive performance on the DB is great. Yesterday I was receiving 9K2KH from Kuwait on S5-6 and this morning got a 59 from Madeira. I'm hearing a lot more traffic compared to my old vertical. I've got it pointed roughly for east - west propagation, Stateside traffic is greatly improved.
All in all I am pleased with it and am looking forward to having a lot of contacts with it. I will happily point my friends in your direction."
Steph - G4XKH - Devon, UK
"I have worked more countries during the brief evaluation exercise than any other comparable period and enjoyed every moment"
Practical Wireless Sept 2011
Click image to download full review

”In this video I build the Dual Beam Pro from Pro Antennas, an Antenna manufacturer from right here in the UK."
TechMinds - YouTube
"We started the tests thinking that the antenna would be a compromise. In the end, we were both very impressed - and when it comes to antenna testing, that doesn't happen very often."
RadCom May 2011
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”Hi Pro Antennas Team,
I wanted to say Thank You!
Nice, Neighborhood Friendly Beam…
Works fine for me, as a Operator only with a little Pistol."
Daniel - DJ8PA - Schönebeck, Germany

I-Pro Home
The I-Pro Home was introduced at the same time as the Dual Beam Pro and they share the same design.
"Just about every EU signal I found on 20m was better on the I-Pro Home than the trap vertical."
RadCom July 2011
Click image to download full review
”From the first ‘switch on’ this antenna was ‘bringing them in’! Indeed, I soon found out that if I could hear them I could work them!"
Practical Wireless January 2012
Click image to download full review
I-Pro Traveller
The I-Pro Traveller was the first antenna designed by Carl for Pro Antennas. It was introduced in 2010 and is still very popular.

"Just writing to say that I am delighted with the I-Pro-Traveller. Since receiving it (finally!!) I have taken it out on three POTA activations in the Ottawa area (attached photo shows the antenna deployed at POTA site VE-1621). I have been using it with my Elecraft KX2, paired with a Hardrock 50 amplifier, running CW at about 50 watts. Lots of contacts throughout North America, and also quite a few Europeans. In fact, I had a QSO with a guy in Finland who told me I was over 599. So far I have worked with the antenna on 17, 20, 30 and 40 meters, with nice low SWR and no ATU required. Assembly and dis-assembly are a breeze and the carry-bag is a great touch. My only very small complaint is that the spring-loaded pins that hold the tube sections in place are a little dodgy - often difficult to snap in and snap out. But I am very happy with this antenna. Portable has never been so much fun!"
Mark - VE3BXG - Ottawa, Canada

"I am very happy with my purchase of an I-Pro Traveller. The stations from my QTH, that I could not hear and/or talk to before, I was able to with this antenna, both within US and DX. The antenna build quality is very good and solid. Not flimsy at all.
Most notable is the support. I set this up on the weekend and I had a question so I emailed support with my question, anticipating reply back on Monday. To my surprise, I received a response promptly and that too on a weekend. Very rare but refreshing.
All in all, very good antenna and good support."
Vic - KB3SQX - Pennsylvania, USA
"Had the I Pro Traveller out today, got a swr of 1.5:1 (now it's put up correctly) on 40m, had a qso with PA5HR Bert in the Netherlands, 361 miles (give or take an inch), band not great but got a constant 5/5 from him. Good going, great antenna, not to mention the excellent service, money well spent, will be recommending it to all who wish to go portable."
Neil - M6CUE - Hungerford, UK
"After a long time some news from my side about my I-Pro Traveller antenna. I hope it is interesting for you to hear what my antenna has done. A week ago i worked in the evening hours with some European stations on 40M with the 40M coil in, and do hear in the background a station calling from the USA. WA2YVD is calling cq on 40 M, i am quite sure he cannot hear me, but lets try. So i started to answer him, and what should i tell you: after three or four calls from my side he is coming with my callsign. He is able to hear me!!! I do not trust my ears but we have had a qso over 5 minutes, he gave a report from 4/4 sometimes 3/3 but most of the time 4/4 and in the last minute my report was 5/4. So i am very very happy with my I-Pro Traveller also on the 40M band, i love working on the higher bands but now i know she is doing also a very fine job."
Klaus - DG1SGW - Weinstadt, Germany
"After 6 weeks' use, I must say how pleased I am with the I-Pro Traveller. Quick and easy to erect, providing excellent SWR on all the bands that I've worked, especially 20 & 15 (my favourites) with some excellent DX - including Mongolia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Japan, plus many around the USA, all with good reports. Importantly, no reports of local interference, even with the linear on - and my neighbours haven't yet noticed the antenna sitting in a secluded corner of the garden!"
Mike - G3UCT - Dorset, UK
"What did strike me during the tests was how easy the Traveller is to erect and, as it is freestanding, how effective it is without needing high supports or ground radials. This really can be put up in a small back garden or park, or on the beach, for an afternoon's HF DXing without too much trouble."
Radcom June 2010
Click image to download full review
"As a final comment, I would love to have the opportunity to take this antenna in my European tour later in the year for its compact design and overall performance make it a really attractive option."
Practical Wireless July 2010
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The DMV II was introduced in 2019 in response to requests for an 80m portable antenna. It was reviewed in RadCom and Practical Wireless
"The fact that the antenna can be folded up and put into a car boot in seconds, and then re-erected in a field or on a beach is a boon."
Radcom August 2019
Click image to download full review
”I certainly didn't feel I was compromised in any way by using an antenna significantly shorter than my usual full size dipole"
Practical Wireless September 2019
Click image to download full review
Customer Reviews

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